You can contact me;
By Phone – 07785985912
you can leave a message or text in confidence, please let me know if it is safe to leave a message in return.
By email: for general enquiries please use;
for more personal enquiries please use; (secure & encrypted)
training enquiries please use
Please be aware, my private practice days are Mondays and Fridays for supervision and Thursdays for client work, I will be unavailable on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as these are the days I will be in my employed role ​
If you are in immediate distress call the Samaritans on 116 123
or follow this link to email
Social Media links:
I have a professional Facebook page although I do not accept current or former clients as friends on my page as this can cause a greater likelihood of compromised client confidentiality although you are welcome to view my page and professional profiles:
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